医疗 students from OUWB deliver big dose of holiday cheer to local hospital
An image of students who sang at Beaumont
学生 who sang at Corewell健康 William Beaumont University Hospital in Royal Oak on Dec. 2, 2022, take a brief moment to pose for a photo prior to their performance.

Sixteen medical students representing all of OUWB’s current classes 太k time on Friday to spread a little holiday cheer in form of caroling at Corewell健康 William Beaumont University Hospital in Royal Oak.

The event was led by OUWB student organization DocApella and Spinal Chords, 还有物理医学 & Rehabilitation Interest Group and the Pediatric Interest Group.

有大约10首歌的歌单, the revelers aimed to brighten the spirits of 病人 on the hospital’s physical medicine and rehabilitation unit. They sang the songs twice, in two different locations on the PM&R unit to reach as many people as possible.

医生, 护士, 医院工作人员, 病人, visitors were all smiles as the OUWB students performed in what has become an especially meaningful experience for the future physicians.

“We get so lost in the books sometimes… but at the end of the day, if you can’t communicate and interact very well and form bonds with others, 你已经尽力了吗?” said Chance Stevenson, M2, vice president, DocApella.

“It’s all about going for that human connection, furthering sense of community,” he added.

David Howell, M2, president of DocApella. said “it’s all about taking a break from studying and connecting with people.”

“I’ve already seen that in our rehearsals…people talking with each other, 迎头赶上, 尝试新的和弦和新的重复段,他说. “That’s what it’s all about…a space to try new things.”

在排练之前, Stevenson said he spent about 10 hours selecting songs to comprise the setlist. He said he picked songs that fit the group’s skill level and offered a mix for audience members.

医疗 students sing at Beaumont on Dec. 2, 2022.

Songs included newer options like Last Christmas, Winter White Hymnal (by Fleet Foxes), along with traditional favorites like Frosty the Snowman, 叮叮当石, 圣诞老人要进城了, 和更多的.

The medical student performers not only sang, 还会演奏各种乐器, 包括一个卡戎鼓, 吉他, 尤克里里琴, 和手风琴.

Allowing students to showcase their talents is another big goal of the event, said Howell.

“Just letting (other students) live that part of their lives and express that has been huge,他说. “We don’t have time to be trained musicians because we’re training for something else. But if we can go and share the joy we have for music with 病人, that’s often enough and will carry us through the next few years.”

Other performers shared sentiments similar to Howell and Stevenson.

M2 Cullen Woodley said he enjoyed taking a break from studying to help bring some cheer to the hospital. He brought the cajon drum and provided a beat for the group.

“I saw the group do it last year and it looked like a lot of fun,他说. “And from my experience of working in hospitals…this is a great opportunity to help cheer up spirits and help make it feel a little homier.”

M1 Priya Razdan played 尤克里里琴 with the group.

“It’s really important that aside from medicine, we get into the community,” she said. “作为M1, 我在医院里还做不了什么, but I do know music and I can help 病人 that way.”


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丽贝卡·普拉特博士.D., professor, Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies, joined the students for the performance. She said she enjoyed singing with students she has had a chance to teach.

“这是一个很轻松的环境,”她说. “It also helps keep things in perspective…you come here and you’re like, ‘Ah, this is why I’m here.’”

Lauren Rutt, a recreational therapist on the PM&R floor, said such performances mean a lot to all who are able to hear them.

“It just brings so much joy to our hearts,” she said. “A lot of our 病人 are hoping to be going home by Christmas, 所以这给他们带来了希望的喜悦.”

Rutt said the 病人 also help the students in a way.

作为医科学生, they come in a reach out to the 病人, 反过来, the 病人 help push them forward in their education, 太,她补充道。.   

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & 市场营销 网页.

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