COVID-19迫使白大褂仪式 OUWB的 Class of 2024 to be held about 365 days late — but that hasn’t prevented the medical students from having a successful first year of medical school.


COVID-19迫使白大褂仪式 OUWB的 Class of 2024 to be held about 365 days late — but that hasn’t prevented the medical students from having a successful first year of medical school.

That was the overriding message of the special ceremony held Friday on the campus of Oakland University and livestreamed online.

The White Coat Ceremony traditionally is held as students begin medical school, but — like many other 2020 events — COVID-19 forced the event to be rescheduled. 参加周五仪式的人被要求戴上口罩, 出席活动的只有学生和家长.

“去年夏天, 我告诉过你把8月13日圈起来, 2021, 现在我们到了,Duane Mezwa说, M.D.Stephan Sharf Dean, OUWB. “I am so pleased that we are here…sharing the joy of this ceremony together and with those who mean the most to you.”

The White Coat Ceremony centers on the value of humanism as the core of health care, emphasizing the importance of both compassion and scientific excellence. 每个学生都得到一件白大褂, a symbol of a commitment to the responsibilities associated with the practice of medicine.

The class also recites the Oath of Geneva — the declaration of physicians' dedication to the humanitarian goals of medicine.

Mezwa not only explained the significance of the white coat and oath, but also had the unique opportunity to address students participating in a White Coat Ceremony who already have had a year of medical school.

“I am amazed at how this class succeeded during challenging times…demonstrating resilience and the desire to achieve the academic goals of the first year of medical school,梅兹瓦说.

Mezwa commended the students for learning remotely while staying in close proximity to OUWB的 campus to attend classes in small groups, 在可能的情况下.

“You made it a productive year in your mostly virtual classrooms and in your engagement with the community,他说. “我们有很多值得骄傲的理由.”

课堂之外的活动也非常繁忙, 梅兹瓦强调了这门课所取得的许多成就, 包括:

“Class of 2024, congratulations on making the most of a challenging first year,梅兹瓦说. “I believe that your perseverance and positivity is only going to get stronger this year.”

学生 celebrated near OU's Elliot Tower after the White Coat Ceremony

韦德体育app官网校长奥拉·赫希·佩斯科维茨,M.D., delivered a message to the students via video, as did Britt Rios-Ellis, Ph.D., executive vice president for Academic Affairs and Provost, Oakland University.


桑德拉·拉布兰斯博士.D., 负责学生事务的副院长, talked about the unique backgrounds of the students comprising OUWB的 Class of 2024. She congratulated the students for forging ahead with their medical school education.

"Our lives have changed drastically and your entry into medical school was uncertain as we all traversed a world of masks, 物理距离, 还有虚拟学习,她说. "You have persevered and found within you a resilience and strength that you will need for the rest of your lives.


Mezwa noted that the 125 members of the Class of 2024 were chosen from about 7,本署接获000份申请. 他们也是475名接受了两次面试的候选人之一.

Many of the students who participated in Friday's White Coat Ceremony said the event made being in medical school feel "more real."

"I'm excited to get to be together with the whole class and finally celebrate being here at medical school,佩吉·格德利说. “过去的一年都是虚拟的,感觉不太真实."

Alex Kessler said receiving his white coat made him feel "more legit."

"It feels more like we are a part of the medicine community," he said. 



White Coat Ceremony launches medical school journey for OUWB Class of 2025



Daeun Jeong said she was excited to be celebrating the day with her family. 

"I'm so glad it wasn't cancelled and we still had it in person,她说. “这是一个我非常期待的伟大时刻."

“太棒了,”伊莱·图克尔说. “这是一段典型的医学院经历...and because I've gotten to know so many of my classmates over the past year it felt like a much more personal experience than most classes get."

“感觉真的很好,”Muhammad Haidous说. "I feel like it was great motivation after going through medical school for the first year from home because of the pandemic."

Camila Joy Ramos said she was happy to see her classmates in person, 这在班上是比较罕见的. 

“这太令人兴奋了,”她说. "I'm so glad I was able to be with my class for the day to celebrate what we've experienced throughout the last year and celebrate things that will come in the future."

Conner Liddle said he was most excited about participating in what he said "is considered a large step forward for everybody in their medical education. 

"I know that it's more symbolic in nature, but I think there's a lot of merit to that," he said. 

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

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