为 Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine’s 2025届毕业生, the first full day of orientation centered on the topics of diversity, 股本, 和包容.

First full day of orientation for OUWB’s matriculating class centers on diversity
迎新课程21 -第2天
OUWB M1s Nitin Venkatesh (left) and Elan Pszenica (right) participate in one of many of the group activities held during Monday's session on diversity 和包容.

Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine’s 2025届毕业生, the first full day of orientation centered on the topics of diversity, 股本, 和包容.

由OUWB领导 多样性 & 包容 team, the theme was “Building 社区: Understanding Your Role as an Advocate for 多样性.”

Four sessions were held with a wide range of diversity 和包容 topics covered including unconscious bias, institutional racism in health and medicine, 种族主义的程度, enhancing community through LGBTQ+ inclusivity, 医疗保健差距, identifying inappropriate behavior in an academic environment.

蒂芙尼·威廉姆斯博士.D.,导演,多样性 & 包容, said the discussions need to happen early in the matriculation process so students keep the topics top of mind.

“多样性, 股本, 和包容 is so important to our everyday lives,”她说。.

“As we bring new students to our campus, we’re trying to build community, a sense of belonging.”

Williams said she hoped students also took away recognition of the different social identities and backgrounds their colleagues have brought to OUWB.

她说这是关于说, “OK, my individual classmates are different from me, but it’s important that I’ve recognized those differences and I’m able to put into perspective how those differences affect how we interact with one another.”

‘Developing that self-awareness’

Monday’s session was the second year in a row that OUWB’s matriculating class has spent a full day of orientation on diversity, 股本, 和包容. It was the first time the session was held in person.

迪尔德丽·皮茨博士.D., associate dean for Academic, 教员事务 and 多样性 & 包容, led the day’s events and made sure everyone was engaged and understood they were in a safe place.

Other session leaders were Angie Freeman, coordinator, 多样性 & 包容与多样性 & 包容 Assistant Deans Vonda Douglas-Niktin, M.D.罗伯特·麦克劳里,m.s.D.特蕾西·泰勒(Tracey Taylor)博士.D.

Taylor addressed the importance of the day.


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“(The students) are going to be a class for the next four years so we want to set them up for success,”她说。. “These are skills and actions they need to know about from day one.”

Several students said they found the sessions enlightening. 

Zane Alroshood called the session “very thorough.”

“We’re addressing topics that sometime don’t come to light very explicitly and in a way that makes sure everyone gets a chance to really say what’s on their mind,他说.

Cloe Nazeer said she felt the event went “very well.”

“I feel like it’s a good, safe space,”她说。. “They’re adamant that if you’re comfortable to speak you can, but if you’re uncomfortable you don’t have to.”

Bianca Ellis said she was particularly struck by some of the information presented on 医疗保健差距, while Jonathan Blake called the topics discussed “really good things to be aware of.”

Andrew Eibling said many of the topics addressed were missing from his experience as an undergrad, Assem Ellythy said he felt the presentation was consistent with the day’s theme of “community of support.”

“It’s a good thing to learn about how people perceive each other and have biases that they may not be aware of,他说. “Developing that self-awareness is really important in medicine.”

为 more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & 市场营销 网页.

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